Residential Door Hardware

Bonded Lock is your local source for high quality residential hardware. We supply a variety of styles and brands to suit your needs, including but not limited to Schlage, Kwikset, Weiser, and LSDA. We also specialize in designer residential hardware, with a full display of beautiful locks and cabinet hardware from Emtek. Our hardware can be customized to match your new or existing home. Check out for some amazing ideas on how you can change the look and feel of your home simply by replacing the door hardware.


Keyless Entry

Keyless entry products are becoming widely available, and more and more popular every day. We have chosen a few specific products that have stood the test of weather and time for our own uses and our customers. In our Northern climate, many of the products on the market that use remote entry features, fail to work properly: Not because they stop working in cold weather, but because door alignment can change so dramatically throughout the year. Do you ever have to pull or push on your door to get your lock to work? If the alignment isn’t perfect all year, your smartphone certainly isn’t capable of pushing or pulling on your door. This means that if you’re not there, your house could be unintentionally left unlocked. So at Bonded Lock, we choose products that take the guess work out of the process, and our skilled technicians can make sure that your lock will work year round!

We also carry keypad and touchscreen locks. They are easy to use, easy to install, and very popular for a wide variety of home owners, vacationers, and families alike. No more searching for your keys or being locked out! Our locks can store multiple codes, so everyone in the house can have their own.


If you need help choosing a padlock, Bonded Lock & Key is the place to go. We have a wide variety of sizes and values, but more importantly, we can match padlocks to existing keys. So if you already have a padlock key for something else, we can match a new padlock to that key. We can also match some padlocks to your house key or truck key! With over 100 different styles of padlocks, we can find one that is right for you!


If you are considering changing your locks to regain control of your keys, think again. We can rekey your locks so that a different key will work, and your existing key will not. Rekeying refers to the ability to change the insides of the lock in order to change the keys. If you have lost all of your keys, we can still rekey your locks or recreate your original key.

Repairs & Installation

Your time is valuable! Our mobile locksmith service will come and install your locks for you, whether you purchased them from us or not. So whether you aren’t the DIY type or you just plain don’t have time, give us a call. We’re happy to come out and take care of your project for you! If you need something repaired, but don’t want to pay the service call, bring it to our shop! Our skilled and knowledgeable staff will work to repair your hardware, or make a recommendation for a replacement. Call to find out what service is right for you and what your options are! 218-751-8084